CT Ice Cats

The Ice Cats are an established, competitive all girls hockey program which began in 2000. The DYHA Girls teams were merged with the New Canaan Winter Club in 2009 and are currently called the CT Ice Cats.  Since the merge, the Ice Cats have had multiple teams compete in the New England Regional Tournament and in the Tier 2 national tournaments. The goals of the CT Ice Cats are to field competitive teams, develop all players’ skills and knowledge of the game and have FUN.

Our girls only CT Ice Cats travel program offers teams at the A, AA (Tier 2) and AAA (Tier 1) Level for ages U8 through U19. Our teams at the U14 and above level are all national bound teams, either at the Tier 1 or Tier 2 level, or both as is the case at the U14 level. New for the 2024-2025 season, Ice Cats will transition to the Major/Minor birth year model for U14 offering U14 Tier 1(major birth year), U14 Minor (minor birth year) and a U14 A (mix of major and minor birth years). Our U16 and U19 offerings are split season offerings allowing players to focus on their high school seasons and teams. 

Leagues our teams participate in:

U8 = CHC and CGHL

U10 = CGHL, CHC and AGHF



U16 = CHC

U19 = CHC

For any information on the Ice Cats, contact NCWC members Mark Spadaccini, mark.spadaccini@gmail.com, or Cori Aleardi, aleardi@gmail.com.

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